Leave a Comment / Male Plastic Surgery, Uncategorized / By Arian Mowlavi
Plastic Surgery for Men Today.
Society depicts the importance of fitness and healthy physique. Optimizing fitness and physique serve to depict success. Individuals of all ages strive to be their best yet the demands of living a healthy lifestyle and work can conflict each other. Therefore, our work-life balance is diminished to just a work oriented spectrum. As a result the importance of fitness and physique fades away while the steadfastness of success takes over our life. Furthermore, because of recent pandemic guidelines, local gyms and established sport gatherings have been limited to us as a population. Specifically, our results as males are really determined by healthy lifestyle choices and the ability to work out at a local gym. Realistically, with this lifestyle of working hard we also like to “play hard”. There is nothing wrong with enjoying our free time after a 60 hour work week, sipping back on some cold “iced” tequila and enjoying your casual ribeye steak. As you can see the lifestyle of an Alpha Male in America is normalized to the factor of success and having fun. This is okay, we love it, we enjoy it. Until we take a picture during your friend’s wedding, or you go to the beach with your little cousins and play pass with each other. You notice how easily tired you become, you see the photos on instagram for the first time a week after the wedding and you notice your double chin and belly hanging out a little bit.
For a second you get upset at yourself, you know that you can go back to the glory days of your high school athletic body. You even hit the gym or play basketball 3x a week for a couple of weeks. Then reality checks in and you’re back on track to your normalized life. This cycle repeats for the past few years, working, living, a couple of weeks of regret and focus to get your health back on track, then work and living. This is when and where male plastic surgery can play a healthy and successful goal for your body.
Plastic Surgery for Men is customized for each individual patient. It is important to understand that when it comes to plastic surgery for males it must be discrete. Unlike female patients, male patients do not want their friends to know that they have had surgery. If an incision line is required it must be well hidden and also follow the proper anatomy of the patient. Male plastic surgery results must be realistic and not over-dramatic. So how do we achieve successful male plastic surgery results?
We first must understand High Definition Plastic Surgery for Men. In order to achieve High Definition, male plastic surgery results we must define high definition. There are two major components; first, we must achieve the superhero body aesthetics by targeting your body to a near perfect 9 or perfect, and secondly we have to approach your body in a 360 degree approach. In order to get your body to a near perfect 9 or 10 we need to rate your body with our HDL body scale that ranges from 2-10. The HDL Body Scale first rates your fat and skin deposition to determine your body scale score; the number indicates what we need to do to successfully get you to your superhero body. Next, we consider your sculpting needs circumferentially. It does not make sense to work on your abdomen only and ignore your back, flanks, and/or chest. Imagine just coring out your abdomen via High Definition VASER Liposuction, thus giving you a beautiful and rigid abdominal contour, serratus muscle definition, and then leaving your chest sagging and not addressing your lower back or flanks. This is where 360 degrees comes into play. In order to achieve true high definition outcome we will look at all areas of your body. What if you have a double chin? Adding liposuction and Renuvion skin tightening can address this concern in 20 minutes. We want to treat all angles of your body because that is how we look at each other. When you walk down the beach people are staring at you from the front, from your sides, and from behind you, while they lay on their towel on the sand looking up. This is how we approach you, using true high definition thereby creating the correct surgical plan to get you to a near perfect 9 or 10 out of 10.
When it comes to male plastic surgery anything can be addressed but you need to make sure that a master surgeon is treating your concerns to achieve ultimate results. Male plastic surgery is unique that it must have optimal contouring results with little knowledge of others knowing that surgery was done in order to get those results; that is where the experience and skills come in.