How To Have An Epic Superman Chest In Four Hours

Do you want to know how you can become a superman in just four hours? We are here to tell that all you men out there, that you can get your superman chest our in just half a morning! The superman look can be achieved by contouring maneuvers that include: creation of a armor plate chest, unveiling of your six pack, and elimination of love handles.

The Superman Chest

This procedure relies on contouring your chest to appear like an armor chest plate. The armor chest plate is a proprietary procedure that relies on the transformation of a more rounded appearing, feminized chest, to a more flat yet bold appearing, masculine chest. This transformation starts with removing the fat from the central and lower chest around the areola, often termed gynecomastia repair. Then, medial vertical pillars are created to give you a strong sternal line, by utilizing fat transfer.

For more about which muscles are featured in the Superman Chest see our previous blog on the topic.

The Superman Chest

Unveiling Your Six Pack

Unveiling of your six packs is the next obstacle in bringing your superman out. We utilize high definition VASER liposuction to comprehensively remove the fat off of your rectus abdominal muscles.  By using high definition body contouring principles, the fat is sculpted out from among your muscles. This requires mastery in VASER liposuction and an artistic knack. This is the highest level of liposculpture and demands that your surgeon work like a sculptor. Creation of bold, yet natural muscle highlights can only be possible following extensive experience and skill.

One of the challenges to unveiling the six packs is situation where there is skin redundancy. Skin redundancy is an unfortunate consequence of aging and thus not an infrequent occurrent. As such, if you are older than 40 years of age and you want to have superman abs, you will also be recommended our proprietary procedure, the modified abdominal skin resection. This procedure was created to allow our surgeons to simultaneously remove all redundant skin and yet be able to safely remove your fat in a high definition sculpting manner.

Elimination Of Love Handles Is Key

Elimination of the love hands is the final step in your superman transformation. Love handles are a universal concern of all men. Elimination of love handles is critical to achieving the ideal male contour  line as best defined appreciated when viewed from the back. Specifically, the male back should be shaped like a “V” that is prominent high and laterally depicting a strong latisimuss muscle and narrow over the lower back centrally depicting a sleek waist. The elimination of the love handles, that are typically located over the lower lateral back and flanks, also establishes the contrasting junction between a prominent upper lateral buttock and lower back. The masculine buttock is described a squared off buttock cheek that creates a shelf appearance just beneath the lower back.

Transformation And Recovery

Even though we will make you into superman in only four hours, you will have some homework following your procedure. Your postoperative course is critical to  your success and does require with compliance of wearing you provided garments at all times and to complete a course of lymphatic messages. Specifically, over the first 10 days, you will be provided 6 to 8 messages that are intended to fine tune your contour and also serve to dramatically minimize your pain levels. Our male clients universally describe feeling significantly more comfortable after each lymphatic message session.

Your recovery is dictated primarily by your pain control. The sooner you get off of you pain medications, the sooner you will bel allowed to drive a car and thus return to your routine activity. As long as your work is not physical, you can expect to return to work within 8 to 14 days depending on the depth of procedure needed. You can expect to return to physical activities and working out by 3 to 4 weeks following surgery. If you are planning to vacation to show off your superhero body by 6 weeks following surgery.

Once you are fully recovered, you may continue your chest and arms workout at home or at the gym to enhance your chest results. You might even what to get a Superman Chest tattoo!

Cost of Becoming Superman

The cost of your Superman transformation is affected most by two factors. The first factor affecting your Superman transformation includes your body frame. The larger that your body frame is, the longer your surgery will take. Another factor involved in affecting your cost is whether you have had prior liposuction or been botched. This is because prior liposuction and more importantly, poorly performed liposuction, can result in significant scarring that will require significantly longer operative times to mediate. Both of these factors will result in longer operative times and subsequently increasing costs to make you into Superman.

The First Step To Getting Your Superman Body

The first step to securing your Superman body (more pictures) is to contact our male plastic surgery consultants. They will expedite your own personal consultation with one of our expert surgeons who will complete your comprehensive evaluation in order to design your own customized surgical plan. Following your evaluation, you will receive an accurate and all inclusive cost to undergo your superman transformation.

To contact us and set up a consultation, click here.

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