
Which Drugs Cause Gynecomastia?

Leave a Comment / Gynecomastia, Uncategorized / By Arian Mowlavi There are a number of drugs that cause gynecomastia. In order to understand how drugs, cause gynecomastia, were first must understand what gynecomastia is as well as the physiological process of how hormones are created.  Gynecomastia is the development of breasts in a male patient. Specifically, it is the growth …

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Will Gynecomastia Go Away Naturally

Will Gynecomastia Go Away Naturally?

In order to understand if gynecomastia will go away naturally, we first must understand what gynecomastia is and how it occurs. Understanding how gynecomastia occurs and what is the main causative origin, will better help us understand if gynecomastia will go away naturally.  What exactly is gynecomastia?  Gynecomastia is the enlargement of breasts in male …

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gynecomastia caused by drugs

Which Drugs Cause Gynecomastia?

There are a number of drugs that cause gynecomastia. In order to understand how drugs, cause gynecomastia, were first must understand what gynecomastia is as well as the physiological process of how hormones are created.  Gynecomastia is the development of breasts in a male patient. Specifically, it is the growth of glandular tissues in the …

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Coolsculpting Doesn’t Work

When Coolsculpting Doesn’t Work

There are a number of reasons why CoolSculpting doesn’t work. Today in our marketed world a lot of physician offices have access to data and technology that can be beneficial to their practices. Traditional, I have witnessed firsthand the botched results that my patients face when they get cool sculpted. This is because again, a …

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Men Developing Gynecomastia

Why Are so Many Men Developing Gynecomastia?

The incidence of gynecomastia has been rising over the last two decades.  Gynecomastia refers to either painless or painful enlargement of the male breast tissue. Most men feel embarrassed about their breasts when their breasts grow disproportionately and become femininized. The interesting question has been, “why are so many men developing gynecomastia?” The answer to …

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Male Plastic Surgery

Male Plastic Surgery

Today our society depicts the importance of fitness and healthy physique. Optimizing fitness and physique serve to depict success.  Individuals of all ages strive to be their best yet the demands of living a healthy lifestyle and work can conflict each other. Therefore, our work-life balance is diminished to just a work oriented spectrum. As …

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Cosmetic Surgery for Men

Cosmetic Surgery for Men

Cosmetic surgery for men is unique in that it must be performed only when it is inconspicuous to others. This means that the male surgery can’t be visible to others. This is because although men are equally interested in cosmetic surgery, they are more reserved about the idea that friends or family would know about …

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what is gynecomastia

What is Gynecomastia?

What is gynecomastia? Gynecomastia is the enlargement of breast glandular tissue that occurs in males. It is caused by the inadequate balance of estrogen and testosterone. As you may know, testosterone is the more dominant hormone in males. It is what helps define a male’s key characteristics, such as larger muscles, hairy body parts, and …

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Follicular Extraction

What is follicular unit extraction?

Follicular unit extraction, or FUE, is the Gold Standard in hair loss treatment. Follicular unit extraction is a type of hair transplant that involves taking individual hair follicles from one area of your scalp and moving them to another. Specifically, it involves the transfer of the hair follicles from the side and back of the …

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Superhero abs

Male Abdominal Sculpting: Want To Look Like a Super Hero?

Male abdominal sculpting has become possible only recently with the advent of liposculpture techniques. Advances in liposculpture using ultrasound assistance now allow master body sculptors the ability to carve out the details of your abdominal muscles and literally making you look like a super hero. Knowledge of the abdominal musculature has become imperative to attainingmuscle …

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